Monday, November 29, 2010

My Johari; you will always be in my heart!!

 My Johari;
I wonder if i have done all the  right things for you and if what i haven't done will do you harm.
I wonder if i have told you enough times how special you are to me and that its okay to be you no matter what others might say.
I wonder if i have made certain that you know there in not anything you could say or do which would ever turn me away from. You are my son, my precious jewel  and i am your mummy.
I pray that our home is a safe haven for you where you can find refuge after a long day of discovering yourself.
I wonder if i have let you know enough about me- have i shared my own stories about my childhood and adolescence, about my vulnerabilities, my mistakes, my fears-and then re-assured you that it all turned out okay with my victories, merits, wins, and successes.
Have i taught you to laugh at yourself even when others are laughing too. My Johari have i shown you that nothing is so impossible, it cannot be tried?
As i am with you less and less; i hope you remember all that we have built together and it should help you face new challenges we have not experienced. I know now all i can do is begin to let you go and trust that we have been for each other-the gift of time spent together with you; a chance, special for me to be your mummy.
I hope someday when you look back on your life, it will seem rich for the love, care and time we have shared together-our precious memories.
I hope and pray that you become a seeker of truth and beauty and learn to listen with your heart. You my son will always be in my heart!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Jewel you really make me so proud!

My Jewel; My Johari all smiles!! August 2010, NJ-USA
I am so glad with the direction that your life is taking~
All of your decisions, questions and actions are no noble and intelligent!
I hope that you remain so in control of your life forever!
I want you to know that sometimes you will make mistakes and when those times occur; the proudest parent in the world is always here,
to encourage you,
to understand you,
to talk with you,
to support you,
and to love you forever!
My Johari you really make me so proud!!

I Will Be Here - Steven Curtis Chapman

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Johari you shine as bright as a star!

My Johari;
In your eyes i know sometimes you find fault in the things you do,
and you are uncertain about some of your choices.
You my Johari may wonder if you can make it through the tough times and if you can make your beautiful dreams come true.
I want you to know that in my eyes, you have the ability, determination and strength to make your dreams all come true. I see who you really are, a doer, an achiever, a winner, a victor.
I see all the potential, the spirit, the hopes and the dreams that grow in your heart. I see you work hard and give it your all in everything you do. I know you will strive and thrive. I believe you will find as much happiness as your heart can hold and you will travel as far as your dreams can take you.
In my eyes you my Johari shine as a new star~ and with my whole heart i believe in you and all that you can ever be!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Journal entry November 13th 2010

Today we woke up and was a very bright day and my son asked me whether i would take him to the library.
This is because these days i take him for "Story time" at the local library with Teacher Pat.
He is now two years eight months old. So we woke up, i showed him, dressed him up and gave him breakfast then we took his cousins for their swimming class.He wanted to swim so bad but he is under age and the classes begin at three years old, so hopefully next year i will enroll him. He was literally stripping and wanting to get in the swimming pool.
Together with grandma and Aunty Penny we left the pool and headed for the park so that his cousin Dyllan could do his community service as the rest played. After that we went home, had some lunch, rested a little and then he grabbed his little red library bag and said "Mummy ; lets go to the library".I was so glad that my son is getting the concept of a reading culture and so i jumped to my feet quickly and drove him to the library, where we stayed about one and half hours before they closed down as its a Saturday.That's how much he has grown; he knows where he wants to go when!

My Son Johari am so so proud of you!!

My son Johari,
There have been moments when all i wanted to do is hold you in my arms and tell you everything will be all right. Sometimes i have to let you find out things for yourself even when the outcome was painful. Its not always easy but i believe its necessary. If i allow you to think that any problem you have will go away by wishful thinking, i will not be fulfilling my role as a parent. You my Son Johari have to learn and grow through your own trials and experiences-slowly but surely building self confidence and courage with every step you take.
I encourage you to be yourself, feel comfortable with who you are and not let any obstacle in front of you frighten you away. I would like you to be courageous  and think positively so that you are well guided in uncertain waters.
I will do my best with whatever knowledge, resources and tools i have been blessed with.I am not a perfect parent but i will try.Through it all, you will turn out just fine-you will be successful, intelligent and there's no limit to where you can go or things you can achieve. More than just accomplishments, my son you will be guided by excellent morals, a sense of humor and a loving heart~all this will contribute to the wonderful man you will be.
I love you and i want you to know that i am very proud of you my Johari!

Friday, November 12, 2010

My Johari; i know you will succeed!!

My Johari,
I believe in you!!!
What does it mean to succeed?Most people see success as being rich and famous or powerful and influential.Others see it as being at the top of their profession and standing out from the rest.
The wise see success in a a more personal way;-as a way of achieving the goals they have set for themselves, and then feeling proud and satisfied in their accomplishments. My Johari; true success is felt in the heart, not measured by money or power.
So my baby boy ; be true to yourself and achieve the goals you set for yourself. For success is reaching those goals and feeling proud of what you have accomplished and achieved.
Twenty years from now you  will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the ones you did. So feel free; don't put too many boundaries for your self as long as you're doing the right thing. Sail away from the safe harbor and catch the trade winds in your sails~Explore, Dream, Discover!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Johari may your world be filled with love!!

The world is full of love and there's no end to it~and if you have it in life you will find yourself capable of achieving many great things!
Remember there are many different kinds of love; do not neglect any one of them for each will add something different and unique to your days.
Open yourself to every experience and do not be afraid to reveal your feelings; if its in your nature to be a romantic, allow yourself to fully and freely express it; you may discover gifts and talents within you that you never could have found in any other way.
My Johari,
Do not ever let the actions of other people lead you to shut off your own emotions or hesitate to put your faith in love.Give your relationships the best that there is in you and remembering that as you do that; all the love that you give away just increases your own capacity for receiving even more in return someday!
My JOHARI, always look at the world with loving eyes, and you will find love reflected back to you from every corner of your life and days. Your heart can be a catalyst for changing the world, as long as you treat everyone you meet in kind and loving ways!
My Johari~remember it is your destiny to be a strong, loving and happy man- and you will be, if you always walk the path of life with an open and trusting heart, and give yourself to love. My very best wishes go with you wherever you go!

My Johari find your own path in life!

My Johari,
All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim and fixed their gaze on a goal which was high; one which seemed impossible or too high to accomplish.
I will not say to you:-"This is the way, walk in it" for i do not know your way or where the Lord or the spirit may lead you to~
I will just say for every truth there is a way for each one of us to walk; a right for each of us to choose including you my Johari; and a truth to use.
And though you wonder far, your soul will know the true path when you find it!
Be free as a bird and fly and find your own path in life!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

My Son Johari never forget how much i love you!!

My Johari,
When you were very very small i used to dance with you cradled in my arms.
You were and still are my precious angel, my jewel, my rare gem; and when i held you close, love overwhelmed me.
I still wonder what kind of life you will lead,i wondered what would be your first word, your first job, your first friends, what kind of man you would become and whether your life would take you far away from me.
Then i would and still hold you even closer and i would/still give you an extra kiss and an extra squeeze and whisper"i love you" one more time.
I know you are too young to remember my words but i pray you would never ever forget them.
When you will become a man i know there are days i will still long to cuddle you in my arms and dance with you once again.
Although i miss my very little boy, am so proud of the little man you are becoming and who you will become.

My tiny little precious jewel, Johari Ongweny February 2008
 When i think of you, love still overwhelms me and as we both grow older and memories fade, please never ever forget these words that you were once too little to remember: :"i love you very very much and i always will"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What does it mean to be a man?

A man is someone who realizes that strength of character is more important than being tough.
He can be tender and kind, and he does not misuse his authority.
He is generous and enjoys giving as well as receiving.
A man is understanding; he tries to see both sides of a situation.
He is responsible; he knows what needs to be done, and he does it.
He is trustworthy; his word is his honor.
A man loves humor and looks at the bright side of things and life in general.
He takes time to think before he reacts.
He loves life, nature, discovery, excitement and so much more.
He is a little boy sometimes, living in an adult body and enjoying the rest of both worlds!
My Johari may you grow to be a man with strength of character and integrity!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I believe in you my Johari!

My Johari July 2010

Mummy & Johari 2010
I know am your parent, but believe me when i say that you already possess all the qualities you will ever need in this life.At two and half you are already strong willed and very intelligent; you are kind and considerate; you make people feel good just by being around them.
My Johari i have complete faith in you, because i know that whatever choices you make in life will be the ones that are best for you. So you see you have no reason to ever be afraid of failing; because in my eyes... you're already a success!!You were born to win...exploit your full potential my Johari.
Mummy sees a young man with his feet on the ground and his eyes on the sky; a generous spirit and an open heart  and of course your ever ready smile that wont just quit! Underneath all you have the courage to make your mark on the world in a way that is yours and yours alone.
The same qualities that make you unique are the same qualities that make all those who love you so very proud!!
Never forget how  amazing you are; i believe in you and as long as you put your heart in whatever you choose to do; it can take you anywhere...never let anybody say you cannot make it!!

Have a wonderful rich life dear Johari!!

My Johari,
I want your life to be such a wonderful one.
I wish you peace deep within your soul; joyfulness in the promise of each new day; stars to reach for; dreams to come true, and memories more beautiful than words can ever express or say.
I wish you friends close at heart, even over the miles; loved ones-the best jewels and treasures we are blessed with; present moments to live in; one day at a time; serenity, with its wisdom; courage with its strength; and new beginnings, to give life a chance to really shine.
I wish you understanding~of how very special you really are; a journey, safe from the storms of life and warmed by the sun; a path to all the wonderful things; an invitation to the abundance life brings; and beside you an angel watching over you; for all of the days to come. Lots of love~Mummy

Remember these things my Son~

My Johari,
Always keep your many interests; the will keep you constantly occupied.
Always keep your positive outlook; it will give you the energy to accomplish great things.
Always keep your determination; it will give you the ability to succeed in meeting your goals.
Always keep your excitement, about whatever you do; it will help you have fun.
Always keep your sense of humor; it will allow you to make mistakes and learn from them 
Always keep your confidence; it will allow you to take risks and not be afraid of failure.
Always keep your sensitivity; it will help you understand and do something about injustices in the world my son.
As you continue to grow in your own unique and wonderful way my Johari; always remember that am more proud of you than ever before and i love you lots my Johari!!

My Johari, may these words always remind you of my love for you!

If ever you want to know that someone in this world thinks the sun rises when you smile and that nothing is as amazing as your laugh,
I ever you feel the burden of guilt or failure and believe that no one could love you just the way you are my Johari, then always remember these words...because i do; yes mummy does love you lots!!I love you just as you are my baby boy!
When God blessed me with you; the miracle happened and it never left my heart and it changed me forever.
Every second you are with me is a gift no one could ever put a price on.
So always read these words and remember you are the reason why my life is so wonderful.
I love you my Johari!!

My Johari is getting very interesting now!

So my Johari you are two years, eight months old; just four months and you turn 3 years old,wow!
Now these days my Johari has a lot of interest in music~first he gets to sing Justin Bieber songs especially "Baby baby" and "never say never" and even Trains' "Hey soul sister".Now with that comes with guitar playing and drum beating.So a few days ago i got him a toy guitar and man the boy was so so excited!!He played it all day and at night guess what he did with it?yeah right He slept with it~that's how passionate my Johari has become with his new hobbies.
My Johari also tends to enjoy hockey, golf and baseball.So when he finishes up with the golf balls he goes with them to bed!!can you imagine that; i think that's real passion like hes just so involved  with his new discoveries, they have to hang around him.
And as for the clothes bit, he still prefers any clothing with spider-man and also a bit of sponge-bob, motor bike pictures and basket ball or baseball pictures.I don't know when he will get to wear all the other clothes that do not fall in this categories.
And oh he has one million questions just about anything you can think of, "Mummy where is God?"that's one of them,so i answer "up in the sky baby", then he goes, "we-ya ( for where) mummy?"so i repeat and repeat and repeat till the questions stop, that's how much you have grown baby boy, you are just but amazing!!!God bless you.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I think i have been one of the luckiest parent of all!!

My Johari;
I knew all along that you had the makings of an angel; from the moment you were born, it had all been excellent news.
You; my Johari make mt life complete and i cannot help but think am the luckiest parent around.Our closeness is a special  gift and our friendship is one of a kind. Our bond is a circle of love that never ever ends. We have made it through the few tough times by being willing to let miracles happen; we are riding the waves of life together we are inseparable. Its not how much we have but the love in our hearts that we share my Johari; thats what makes all the difference.
The stories in my heart you are writing; the memories i cherish you are creating and the happiness i feel i owe to you.You my Johari are here in my heart all the time.I love you now and always will.Your loving mummy~

Just full of gratitude for my son Johari!

My little CEO Johari Ongweny
So today i really really feel so thankful for you my son Johari and i just want to put it down in my web log.These days i get a thank you kiss, hug, boom and a high five all in one sitting- after i shower you; you have really grown and we thank God for your up to date milestones. Some people can only wish on stars but i have your star, shining here in my heart, and the magic of your presence in my life makes every season even more wonderful and adventurous!
Our days together have not been all easy ones; the years have not always been smooth, but there is not any gift in all the world that could ever outshine you my love.
My Johari the day you were born, i saw my future all wrapped up in every memory.You fill my heart with treasures every single day we are together.I look at you and my eyes fill with tears. Spending time with you is where my best memories begin.If I did not have you my Johari, how else would i fill my days and world; what would i do with all that time?
I stop to count my blessings whenever i think of you; for  a son's love is one of a kind...and you are the best son any heart could ever hope for, thank you for making me a proud mummy!