Monday, November 29, 2010

My Johari; you will always be in my heart!!

 My Johari;
I wonder if i have done all the  right things for you and if what i haven't done will do you harm.
I wonder if i have told you enough times how special you are to me and that its okay to be you no matter what others might say.
I wonder if i have made certain that you know there in not anything you could say or do which would ever turn me away from. You are my son, my precious jewel  and i am your mummy.
I pray that our home is a safe haven for you where you can find refuge after a long day of discovering yourself.
I wonder if i have let you know enough about me- have i shared my own stories about my childhood and adolescence, about my vulnerabilities, my mistakes, my fears-and then re-assured you that it all turned out okay with my victories, merits, wins, and successes.
Have i taught you to laugh at yourself even when others are laughing too. My Johari have i shown you that nothing is so impossible, it cannot be tried?
As i am with you less and less; i hope you remember all that we have built together and it should help you face new challenges we have not experienced. I know now all i can do is begin to let you go and trust that we have been for each other-the gift of time spent together with you; a chance, special for me to be your mummy.
I hope someday when you look back on your life, it will seem rich for the love, care and time we have shared together-our precious memories.
I hope and pray that you become a seeker of truth and beauty and learn to listen with your heart. You my son will always be in my heart!!

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