Saturday, November 13, 2010

Journal entry November 13th 2010

Today we woke up and was a very bright day and my son asked me whether i would take him to the library.
This is because these days i take him for "Story time" at the local library with Teacher Pat.
He is now two years eight months old. So we woke up, i showed him, dressed him up and gave him breakfast then we took his cousins for their swimming class.He wanted to swim so bad but he is under age and the classes begin at three years old, so hopefully next year i will enroll him. He was literally stripping and wanting to get in the swimming pool.
Together with grandma and Aunty Penny we left the pool and headed for the park so that his cousin Dyllan could do his community service as the rest played. After that we went home, had some lunch, rested a little and then he grabbed his little red library bag and said "Mummy ; lets go to the library".I was so glad that my son is getting the concept of a reading culture and so i jumped to my feet quickly and drove him to the library, where we stayed about one and half hours before they closed down as its a Saturday.That's how much he has grown; he knows where he wants to go when!

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