Monday, November 1, 2010

Just full of gratitude for my son Johari!

My little CEO Johari Ongweny
So today i really really feel so thankful for you my son Johari and i just want to put it down in my web log.These days i get a thank you kiss, hug, boom and a high five all in one sitting- after i shower you; you have really grown and we thank God for your up to date milestones. Some people can only wish on stars but i have your star, shining here in my heart, and the magic of your presence in my life makes every season even more wonderful and adventurous!
Our days together have not been all easy ones; the years have not always been smooth, but there is not any gift in all the world that could ever outshine you my love.
My Johari the day you were born, i saw my future all wrapped up in every memory.You fill my heart with treasures every single day we are together.I look at you and my eyes fill with tears. Spending time with you is where my best memories begin.If I did not have you my Johari, how else would i fill my days and world; what would i do with all that time?
I stop to count my blessings whenever i think of you; for  a son's love is one of a kind...and you are the best son any heart could ever hope for, thank you for making me a proud mummy!

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