Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Johari may your world be filled with love!!

The world is full of love and there's no end to it~and if you have it in life you will find yourself capable of achieving many great things!
Remember there are many different kinds of love; do not neglect any one of them for each will add something different and unique to your days.
Open yourself to every experience and do not be afraid to reveal your feelings; if its in your nature to be a romantic, allow yourself to fully and freely express it; you may discover gifts and talents within you that you never could have found in any other way.
My Johari,
Do not ever let the actions of other people lead you to shut off your own emotions or hesitate to put your faith in love.Give your relationships the best that there is in you and remembering that as you do that; all the love that you give away just increases your own capacity for receiving even more in return someday!
My JOHARI, always look at the world with loving eyes, and you will find love reflected back to you from every corner of your life and days. Your heart can be a catalyst for changing the world, as long as you treat everyone you meet in kind and loving ways!
My Johari~remember it is your destiny to be a strong, loving and happy man- and you will be, if you always walk the path of life with an open and trusting heart, and give yourself to love. My very best wishes go with you wherever you go!

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