Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Johari is getting very interesting now!

So my Johari you are two years, eight months old; just four months and you turn 3 years old,wow!
Now these days my Johari has a lot of interest in music~first he gets to sing Justin Bieber songs especially "Baby baby" and "never say never" and even Trains' "Hey soul sister".Now with that comes with guitar playing and drum beating.So a few days ago i got him a toy guitar and man the boy was so so excited!!He played it all day and at night guess what he did with it?yeah right He slept with it~that's how passionate my Johari has become with his new hobbies.
My Johari also tends to enjoy hockey, golf and baseball.So when he finishes up with the golf balls he goes with them to bed!!can you imagine that; i think that's real passion like hes just so involved  with his new discoveries, they have to hang around him.
And as for the clothes bit, he still prefers any clothing with spider-man and also a bit of sponge-bob, motor bike pictures and basket ball or baseball pictures.I don't know when he will get to wear all the other clothes that do not fall in this categories.
And oh he has one million questions just about anything you can think of, "Mummy where is God?"that's one of them,so i answer "up in the sky baby", then he goes, "we-ya ( for where) mummy?"so i repeat and repeat and repeat till the questions stop, that's how much you have grown baby boy, you are just but amazing!!!God bless you.

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