Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Son Johari am so so proud of you!!

My son Johari,
There have been moments when all i wanted to do is hold you in my arms and tell you everything will be all right. Sometimes i have to let you find out things for yourself even when the outcome was painful. Its not always easy but i believe its necessary. If i allow you to think that any problem you have will go away by wishful thinking, i will not be fulfilling my role as a parent. You my Son Johari have to learn and grow through your own trials and experiences-slowly but surely building self confidence and courage with every step you take.
I encourage you to be yourself, feel comfortable with who you are and not let any obstacle in front of you frighten you away. I would like you to be courageous  and think positively so that you are well guided in uncertain waters.
I will do my best with whatever knowledge, resources and tools i have been blessed with.I am not a perfect parent but i will try.Through it all, you will turn out just fine-you will be successful, intelligent and there's no limit to where you can go or things you can achieve. More than just accomplishments, my son you will be guided by excellent morals, a sense of humor and a loving heart~all this will contribute to the wonderful man you will be.
I love you and i want you to know that i am very proud of you my Johari!

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