Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I believe in you my Johari!

My Johari July 2010

Mummy & Johari 2010
I know am your parent, but believe me when i say that you already possess all the qualities you will ever need in this life.At two and half you are already strong willed and very intelligent; you are kind and considerate; you make people feel good just by being around them.
My Johari i have complete faith in you, because i know that whatever choices you make in life will be the ones that are best for you. So you see you have no reason to ever be afraid of failing; because in my eyes... you're already a success!!You were born to win...exploit your full potential my Johari.
Mummy sees a young man with his feet on the ground and his eyes on the sky; a generous spirit and an open heart  and of course your ever ready smile that wont just quit! Underneath all you have the courage to make your mark on the world in a way that is yours and yours alone.
The same qualities that make you unique are the same qualities that make all those who love you so very proud!!
Never forget how  amazing you are; i believe in you and as long as you put your heart in whatever you choose to do; it can take you anywhere...never let anybody say you cannot make it!!

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