Monday, November 22, 2010

My Johari you shine as bright as a star!

My Johari;
In your eyes i know sometimes you find fault in the things you do,
and you are uncertain about some of your choices.
You my Johari may wonder if you can make it through the tough times and if you can make your beautiful dreams come true.
I want you to know that in my eyes, you have the ability, determination and strength to make your dreams all come true. I see who you really are, a doer, an achiever, a winner, a victor.
I see all the potential, the spirit, the hopes and the dreams that grow in your heart. I see you work hard and give it your all in everything you do. I know you will strive and thrive. I believe you will find as much happiness as your heart can hold and you will travel as far as your dreams can take you.
In my eyes you my Johari shine as a new star~ and with my whole heart i believe in you and all that you can ever be!

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