Tuesday, December 28, 2010

You mean a lot to me Johari!!

My Johari,
Sometimes, i can hardly believe that the big boy i see when i look at you, used to be my tiny little baby, where did the time go? How did the moments turn into years that disappeared behind us at such great speed?
I am in awe at the changes that have taken place in you and sometimes it saddens me because that part of my life is over!
Yet i also feel the happiness and pride in having a son who is growing up well and nothing can dull or dampen the wonderful memories i have of you as my little boy.
The pride i have in you and the love i feel for you have continued to grow much like you have.
If you could look inside my heart and see the love there, if you could feel its strength and depth then you would know that you have fulfilled my life in ways no other person ever could!!
Thank you for coming into my life and just know now and always that you my Johari mean a lot to me!!

My Johari; Make your greatest dreams come true!!

My Johari;
You are bright, smart, talented, intelligent and creative.
You have a spirit of adventure and an intense desire to make the world better
You are sensitive to the needs of others and passionate about helping people.
You are driven to reach dreams that will make your future so much brighter.
You, my baby boy have an inner spark that kindles a light in everyone your life touches~

You my Johari are a precious gift to the present and the future, and you must never forget this!
Keep on dreaming and flying high with your highest dreams, and believe they will carry you wherever you go!
Say "Yes" to challenges and dare to make those big, bold dreams come true.

My dear Johari,tend the fires of your passions and use this energy to do good in life.
Stand up for what is right, protest the negative things in this world that damage the gifts of the heart!
When you see a wrong, be strong in speaking out, be apace setter and not a laggard.
Be committed in your friendships with those who need a friend the most.
My Johari, be a volunteer and a positive democratic leader who is an excellent listener!

My son Johari; keep your good character, high ideals and deepest passions alive and active.
Fly on the wings of your talents & your mightiest dreams, strive to change the world for better one day at a time...and as you fly carry a picture of me smiling at you with my brightest love and my deepest pride!
My son, make your greatest dreams come true!!

The bond that binds forever!

It remains unchanged by time or distance,
It is the purest of love~unconditional and true,
it is understanding of any situation and forgiving of any mistake.
It is strong enough to withstand harsh words and hurt feelings,
for it is smart enough to always see the love beyond the words.
It is brave enough to always speak the truth, even when lies would be easier~
It is always there, anytime, any where whenever it is needed.
It is a gift held in the heart and in the soul and it cannot be taken away
or exchanged for another.
To possess this love is a treasure that makes life more valuable~
This is the bond that binds parents and sons forever and...
...it is the bond between you my son Johari and me your mummy!
My Johari,
You have so many moments ahead of you,
My son...days that will bring new people into your life and
times that will bring new friends into your world...
Having had the wonderful pleasure of knowing you-since the minute you were in my tummy-
and appreciating the million and one things that are so wonderful about you...
i will always hope that the people who are lucky to share your life are special, insightful, true people who realize how lucky they are to be in the presence of a present like you my dear Johari

For Johari, my wonderful son!!

Whats most important in my life, and the things that make me happiest are all found in one perfect place; in my family!!
Whenever i see you, i know am looking at the smiling face of one of the most remarkable people i will ever have the privilege of knowing!
I find these..."it-doesn't-get-any-better-than-this" feelings inside me all the time and they bring so much sweetness into my world!
Am more thankful for you than i can ever say  and i want you to know...
...if i could be given any gift imaginable, one that would make me happy beyond words, make me feel truly blessed, and make my days just shine...
the gift I'd choose...would be Johari; each and every time!

My Johari; i want to give you gifts that last forever!

My Johari, i want to give you the kinds of gifts that will last your whole life though-things that you just cant put a price tag on...
I want to give you a lot of courage-to stand up for what you believe in...
a level head, a warm heart, a sense of humour to get you through any situation
the ability to keep growing and learning as life brings changes;
a positive outlook for the future-the love and support of friends and family,
and the confidence and inspiration to follow your dreams wherever they may take you my Johari.
Those are life's gifts that will last forever!!

My Johari; your family is always here for you!

My Johari;
Family is a feeling of belonging and acceptance,
Family is a safe retreat, a shelter from the storm,
and an instant connection to the people who have faith in you,
people who believe in you and your capabilities~
Family is that wonderful circle of life long friends and...
the smiles that go straight to your heart with love and acceptance!
Anything that touches your life dear son; touches theirs too
they care and they show it.You don't even need to explain-they understand
they are there for you and always will be there for you!
My Johari;
A family is a special source of well-being~
full of people who uphold you in the roughest times,
share your life and love to be there for you~
Even if you don't say it often enough...you appreciate and love them so so much!
Life begins and ends with family!!

My days are not the same any more!!

My son Johari,
The day you were born, was one of the happiest days of my life.
I remember counting your tiny fingers and toes and cradling you in my arms,
certain that i would never let you go~
But now as you grow and become more adventurous,...
...i must learn to let you go so that you can carve out your own life path!
Let you go into the big wide world, into the life that you my son Johari would make out for yourself
I am  so proud of you as i am watching you grow, proud of the care you show to others, of the sharing and for the love you have for  your family and cousins, and of the integrity with which you live your life.
When you get older and have to go find your life path, i wish i could hold you a little longer,
i wish that children and more especially sons did not have to grow up and leave home;
but i know my Johari that you are as important  to other people as you are to me and i feel lucky to have you now and when time comes for me to let go...i will let go of you and let God take control...
When you leave; all i will have are memories that we share and in the love that keeps growing as the years go by~
May everyday bring you a reason to celebrate,
May you be surrounded by those you love and those who love you,
May each day of your life be filled with happiness!!
My Johari, my days are all rainbowy..since you checked in!I love you!!

Whatever you choose to do...i will be proud of you!

My son Johari;
It is so important to choose your own lifestyle and not others choose it for you!
Do what you want to do, be what you want to be,
Look the way you want to look, act the way you want to act!
Think the way you want to think, speak the way you want to speak!
Follow the goals you want to follow!
Live according to the truths within your self;
and know that whatever you do my son Johari,
i your mummy; will always support you and always feel very proud of you my little Prince!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Johari... there is greatness within you!!

My Johari;
Throughout your life; i hope and pray that you will always pursue sensitivity and kindness as your chosen way.
Your sense of humor is wonderful; hold onto it. Being able to laugh at the world, will see you through many hard times baby boy!
Guard against bitterness and sarcasm, they can destroy you. Be yourself always , the world will benefit from your talent and your humor.
Search for people who love you and appreciate you for who you are and who encourage you to improve.
My Johari; do not be satisfied with less than all that you can be, for you have greatness within you, you were born to win so baby boy go right ahead and do exactly that!!

My Johari you can accomplish Anything!!

In my thoughts i see you my Johari standing as you really are~powerful, sensitive, courageous, determined and gracious. I can see you my baby boy achieving everything that you choose to achieve. I can see you being exactly who and what you want to be.
Look though my eyes for an instant, and you will see yourself conquering all limitations. Look through my eyes and see who you really are and what you are capable of achieving. I know you can accomplish anything you put your heart in; they used to say that we cant make, but when you put your heart in it; it can take you anywhere!!!
Go for it my Johari!!!

My baby boy Johari...life is wHAT you make it and more!!

My Precious little Jewel, my baby boy,my blessing-so bright & handsome-3 months old

My Johari,
As you grow and experience more things in your life, know that there will inevitably be obstacles to encounter. But do not worry that they will seem too great for you to handle, because you can. Yes you can!!
Sometimes you may doubt yourself, but know that my Johari if you have faith, you have everything! Faith is the key to being successful.
If you know you're capable of anything because of who you are, you will always reach your destination. It may not always be easy, but it will always be worth every fight. Look ahead of you, never behind. Have faith in yourself. If you do you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.
Remember my Johari...life is what you make it ....and more!!

My Johari the unique individual...!!!

Men are told by society that they must always be strong; they are told to block out all the sensitive "unmanly" feelings. Men are told that they must be leaders; they must achieve; they must succeed in a career. They are judged their whole lives by the power they have and how much money they earn~
My son Johari i hope you will never feel pressured by society~ you should be free to think rationally and do whatever you want and to act the way you feel is right at all times. My son Johari you should cry when you want to and laugh too when you want to. You my  Johari should be the outstanding person that you really are~ the person, the son am so proud of and whom i love always till the end of time!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A son...my Son...my Johari!!

A son.....
....tickles your funny bone, musters courage to fight off huge creatures, imaginary and non-imaginary-like the monsters!!, tracks mud into the house after you have just cleaned the carpet/floor, drives his tri-cycle like a big rig, fishes without worms, climbs the tallest windows in the house and the tallest trees in the yard/neighborhood and then falls out of it, names the frog in the garden after his grandma, becomes the "cookie monster", paints the newly painted wall with crayons, tickles/scratches your back, "picks" the neighbours flowers for your Mother's day gift, puts the blue in blue skies and takes away all the gray ones, becomes a jack of all trades when he is eight years old, secretly loves his parent, is self sufficient at an early age.
A son...
...likes landscaping but not maintenance, dances in private, calls you three more times at work especially after you have told him not to call anymore, can put anything together without instructions, takes everything apart that can be separated, trades your stereo for the broken one without telling you, eats two sandwiches an hour before dinner, cracks a rib, but never lets you see him cry, vacuums the cat, accepts collect calls  from anybody, pretends to be aloof until he kisses his mother's cheek, melts your heart every day of his life!!
Sons are amazing and so are you my handsome son... my Johari!!

Tata i will always care!!!

My Son Johari;
I want you to have a life of happiness and in order for you to have this; you must have many interests and you must pursue them. You must have many goals and work towards them. You must like your work and always try to get better.
You my son Johari must consider yourself a success by being proud of doing your best.  You must have fun everyday and you must listen to your inner voice and not necessarily be influenced by others.
You my son Johari must have someone who is worthy of you to love, and to share your life . You must have peace and not always expect perfection.
You my son Johari must always have respect for yourself and others. My son Johari; as i watch you grow up, i can see you are on the right path and i am  so proud of you and i your mummy will always care about you and your happiness and or joy! i love you!!

Dream deep my Johari!!

When you love; make it last. When you have hopes; hold on to them with all your heart.My Johari; your possibilities are unsurpassed!!
When you share my Johari; share completely. When thoughts wander; let them soar. When your wishes come up empty; do not give up on them- your opportunities might be just behind the next door.
My Johari, when you deal with difficulties; keep your courage. When you awaken, remember that each sunrise is brand new and it comes with new mercies every day.
When you travel toward tomorrow , my dear son Johari; choose your own direction. Your happiness will always help to guide you to the right path.
My Johari, when special feelings come your way-let them flow into your heart. When miracles try to find you- don't hide from them. When special people come along my son Johari-let them know what a blessing they are. Smiles begin way down deep inside!!When you dream dear one; dream deep!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Chrismass concept & Mummy dont be scared; thats just me!

Christ-mass Dec 2010-New Jersey USA

Mummy, Johari, Santa & Grandma Christmas 2010, New Jersey USA
Journal entry 08.12.2010.
So we are in Christmas mode  and my baby boy is starting to understand a little that there is a birthday coming up and that birthday is not his birthday ( although his is in Feb) but it is for somebody called Jesus! So my Johari has been seeing all the decorations especially the Christmas lights in the night around the different homes and Frosty the snow man and Santa and the Reindeer etc.
So we have been practicing our birthday song that we will sing for baby Jesus on his birthday-the 25th of December 2010:-))
Happy birthday Jesus,Cha cha cha;
Happy birthday Jesus, Cha cha cha
Happy birthday dear Jesus......
Happy birthday to you!!
So we are all ready to sing our well practised song for baby Jesus on his birthday coming up.
I also over heard my Johari requesting for candles for baby Jesus' birthday cake....mmmmmmmmhhh good thought...but then how many candles will we need?i wonder too!?&*#......
When my Johari wants to play monster games...he comes slowly after ma and then says:
"Mummy, don't be scared, that's just me!!!how sweet!!
That's my Johari developmental milestones and i love him every day-Lord thank you so much for blessing me with this gift-a baby boy-a precious son-a rare jewel, my Johari i love you!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I will always be here for you my Johari!!

Though time has lessened your reliance on me, prompting you to be more dependent on your own good instincts in life; i feel you should know that am always here for you. I know that you have everything in your life under control.
You my Johari are doing so fine and nothing is bothering you or standing in your way right now. There's no way to describe this feeling of pride in my heart for the  way your life is progressing.
But as your parent; i felt like reminding you once more ( the way parents like to do) that am still here to always listen when you feel like talking things over or if and when you need someone to lean on for whatever length of time- for you my Johari will always be my precious son and i will love and care about you your whole life through!!I love you!!

So where are we at today; my baby boy?

My baby boy Johari has grown very much; now he is 2years 10 months old and he can speak fluently mostly in English and a little Swahili here and there...
He still sometimes naps during the day fr about one hour or two, sleeps about ten to eleven o'clock again at night after his dinner!
My Johari still prefers Barney, Dora the explorer and Caillou occasionally when he is in the mood to watch cartoons.
These days; he wants to go to school so bad especially when he sees his cousins going to school in the morning...
What does he like to eat?chicken nuggets, straw berries, noodle, a little rice here and there and he loves his candy too much-"lollipop"!!
Occasionally when am leaving for work he cries for me ; wanting to go with me...other days he is more understanding and so he says "Mummy bye...i will miss you"....
Thank you God for my Johari is growing so well and i cannot complain at all...this is my precious son, my rare jewel, my gift, my timely blessing...the miracle i needed so bad!!Thank you Lord!!May he continue growing in your stature, wisdom and love!!!