Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I will always be here for you my Johari!!

Though time has lessened your reliance on me, prompting you to be more dependent on your own good instincts in life; i feel you should know that am always here for you. I know that you have everything in your life under control.
You my Johari are doing so fine and nothing is bothering you or standing in your way right now. There's no way to describe this feeling of pride in my heart for the  way your life is progressing.
But as your parent; i felt like reminding you once more ( the way parents like to do) that am still here to always listen when you feel like talking things over or if and when you need someone to lean on for whatever length of time- for you my Johari will always be my precious son and i will love and care about you your whole life through!!I love you!!

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