Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tata i will always care!!!

My Son Johari;
I want you to have a life of happiness and in order for you to have this; you must have many interests and you must pursue them. You must have many goals and work towards them. You must like your work and always try to get better.
You my son Johari must consider yourself a success by being proud of doing your best.  You must have fun everyday and you must listen to your inner voice and not necessarily be influenced by others.
You my son Johari must have someone who is worthy of you to love, and to share your life . You must have peace and not always expect perfection.
You my son Johari must always have respect for yourself and others. My son Johari; as i watch you grow up, i can see you are on the right path and i am  so proud of you and i your mummy will always care about you and your happiness and or joy! i love you!!

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