Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dream deep my Johari!!

When you love; make it last. When you have hopes; hold on to them with all your heart.My Johari; your possibilities are unsurpassed!!
When you share my Johari; share completely. When thoughts wander; let them soar. When your wishes come up empty; do not give up on them- your opportunities might be just behind the next door.
My Johari, when you deal with difficulties; keep your courage. When you awaken, remember that each sunrise is brand new and it comes with new mercies every day.
When you travel toward tomorrow , my dear son Johari; choose your own direction. Your happiness will always help to guide you to the right path.
My Johari, when special feelings come your way-let them flow into your heart. When miracles try to find you- don't hide from them. When special people come along my son Johari-let them know what a blessing they are. Smiles begin way down deep inside!!When you dream dear one; dream deep!!

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