Wednesday, December 1, 2010

So where are we at today; my baby boy?

My baby boy Johari has grown very much; now he is 2years 10 months old and he can speak fluently mostly in English and a little Swahili here and there...
He still sometimes naps during the day fr about one hour or two, sleeps about ten to eleven o'clock again at night after his dinner!
My Johari still prefers Barney, Dora the explorer and Caillou occasionally when he is in the mood to watch cartoons.
These days; he wants to go to school so bad especially when he sees his cousins going to school in the morning...
What does he like to eat?chicken nuggets, straw berries, noodle, a little rice here and there and he loves his candy too much-"lollipop"!!
Occasionally when am leaving for work he cries for me ; wanting to go with me...other days he is more understanding and so he says "Mummy bye...i will miss you"....
Thank you God for my Johari is growing so well and i cannot complain at all...this is my precious son, my rare jewel, my gift, my timely blessing...the miracle i needed so bad!!Thank you Lord!!May he continue growing in your stature, wisdom and love!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great baby boy...keep it so so happy for you!!
