Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Johari; your family is always here for you!

My Johari;
Family is a feeling of belonging and acceptance,
Family is a safe retreat, a shelter from the storm,
and an instant connection to the people who have faith in you,
people who believe in you and your capabilities~
Family is that wonderful circle of life long friends and...
the smiles that go straight to your heart with love and acceptance!
Anything that touches your life dear son; touches theirs too
they care and they show it.You don't even need to explain-they understand
they are there for you and always will be there for you!
My Johari;
A family is a special source of well-being~
full of people who uphold you in the roughest times,
share your life and love to be there for you~
Even if you don't say it often enough...you appreciate and love them so so much!
Life begins and ends with family!!

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