Friday, September 24, 2010

My Johari's first and second birthdays and other developments!

OK lets go!!!!!

Am wonderfully made!!!

OK lets finish this mum and grandma!
Johari's first birthday party was celebrated on 7th March 2009 at Impala Club-Ngong Road Nairobi with about 100 guests in attendance.The birthday cake read:Happy birthday Johari Ongweny,Daddy One, We love you!
The second birthday was celebrated in Westampton New Jersey, 595 Fort Drive~Auntie Penny and Uncle Abu's residence; we had just relocated from Kenya in Nov.2009.
Johari I love you, you are special to me, my blessing!Thank you for allowing me to be your mummy.God bless you very much!
Johari now speaks both English and Swahili including words like"gotta", "hi-five","mine","go to school",eat food like this","potty","shower" etc.In May 2010 he was 2 years,3 months old.
These days he is singing very many songs including "Baby" by Justin Bieber and "Hey soul sister" by train.He even tries to do the pin drop style as shown by his older cousins Eddie and Brandon and also stinky leg by Jerry.
He also sings"Twinkle twinkle little star,how i wonder what you are"
Am glad that he has also learnt a few gospel songs like "Read your Bible pray everyday if you want to grow""Jesus loves me this i know for the Bible tells me so"So he has experienced a little of both worlds but i pray that he will grow to develop a bias for the gospel music.
My Johari loves to drink his "Mi yo" to mean Milo before he goes to bed.He loves his blue,green capped sippy cap.Oh and it was very hard trying to get him off his feeding bottle.He preferred his Lactogen Formula to mummys milk at 3 months old when he stopped breastfeeding.
When i weaned my Johari at 4 months old i fed him mashed/blended potato, spinach, carrot, tomato all in one rich dish and later graduated to Ugali and Spinach plus Mala which he called "ma ya".Desert included a fruit smoothie of paw paw, water melon, passion, banana, avocado and mango mmmmm!!delicious!
After Johari's second birthday(2 years) he has created a great interest in hockey, golf and base ball aiming at the ball quite accurately and hitting it with energy like he has been practicing all his life.I guess it runs in the blood/genes.He has particularly broken many of Auntie Penny's "mwikos" and serving spoons while playing his sports as he uses them as golf clubs and hockey sticks.
Johari also loves to water the sukuma wiki and grass at the back yard and play with the hose piped water then runs to mummy after that dipping wet and coughing!!
Johari's first pair of shoes were navy blue and white in color from Auntie Carol Mumo who visited us at Nairobi Hospital on day 3 of our stay.Thanks Auntie Carol God bless  and to all the many others who have
blessed us in many ways!
Johari when in Mummy's tummy loved(my cravings) Brook side Yogurt a big one 500 milligrams with fruit in it especially straw berries!mmmmm yummy!,and also grapes and avocado.I literally ate avocado for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!
Wow my Johari you have come along way by God's sufficient grace and i have the confidence that you are destined for great things because not only are you my are my miracle child...i love you Johari keep going dear!!

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