Tuesday, September 28, 2010

His favourite clothes!!Spongebob & Spiderman!

i love outdoors!!

i love to ride my bike!!

i love playing soccer too!!

...and even handball!!!
My Johari has grown in stature, size, language and even preference.
Now he is two years old and seven months.His preference of clothes is any clothing with Sponge bob, spider man or sports-related like basketball and hockey!
Any piece of clothing without these three pictures is considered obsolete and not fit for wearing according to my Johari.So then it means i have to do his laundry more often to avail his favorite clothes. And so what becomes of the ones he doesn't prefer to wear?they are getting smaller while stacked in his ward robe.
The other day i wanted him to wear a shirt and tie suit to church and he plainly let me know that "inamnyonga" to mean his neck was being constricted by the tie~so i gave up on that although he would have looked very smart!And he is not the type to force anything on, i think it runs in the genes so i let him wear something else.
That's how well my son Johari is doing.Keep it up dear!

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