Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Johari uttered"Mummy i love you"!

This is my very precious adorable Johari; my son
Mummy and Johari~Wananchi wazalendo~at 2 years old
My Johari and baby Lesley~all smiles~August 2010 in NJ, USA
Two days ago on 14th of September 2010 after i had given my Johari his evening shower he just hugged my shins (because of his height) and said "Mummy i love you".The feeling was just so nice as i wondered what exactly triggered him to deem it fit to let me know that he loves me.Then again my Johari usually says i love you too after i tell him i love you but this particular time; it was self initiative.My son Johari i even wondered whether you really understood the meaning of the words you just uttered~how ever it did not matter all that mattered is that you said them.So i guess maybe the shower made him feel so fresh and relaxed and nice and he thought mmmmhhh its about time i let my mama know how i feel!
My Johari am proud of you because you have shown your smartness so early just at two and half, amazing!
Keep it up and you know what the sky and beyond is your limit.
I love you too honey and am so proud to be your mummy!

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