Thursday, September 16, 2010

Always choose wisely!!

My Johari,
Decisions are incredibly important things!
Good decisions will come back to bless you!
Bad decisions can come back to haunt you!
That is why that its so important to take your time to choose wisely
Johari choose the things that will reflect well..
on your ability, your integrity, your spirit, your health and your tomorrows, your smiles, your dreams and yourself
You are such a wonder Johari.You are the only one in the universe like you.
I want you to take care of that rare and  remarkable soul.
I want you to know that there is someone who will thank you for doing the things you do now with foresight, wisdom and respect.
Its the person you will be some day tears later.
You Johari have a chance to make that person so thankful and so so proud.
All you have to do is remember one of the lessons i learned when i made a similar journey~
Each time you come to a crossroads... choose and choose wisely!

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