Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Johari be true to yourself!

My Johari 2010 New Jersey USA

My Johari"video game fanatic"2010

My Johari~be true to yourself!
My Johari,
be true to yourself, be true to your dreams and keep them alive.
never let anyone change your mind about what you feel you can achieve.
always believe in yourself  Johari.Be true to your self in the paths you choose.
follow your talents and passions; don't take the roads others say you must follow because the are the most popular. Take the paths where your talents with thrive- the ones that will keep your spirits alive with enthusiasm and everlasting joy.
Most of all my Johari; never forget that there is no brighter light than the one within you.
Keep on being true to yourself.Keep shining your light on us so that we will always have a reason to smile.
Follow your inner light to your own personal greatness, and remember that we admire you Johari and love you just as you are.
My Johari be true to yourself!

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