Monday, September 13, 2010

Johari; you were born to win!!

You are just as special as anyone else,just as talented and gifted; so do not hide your light,your heart, your gifts.Let them shine and shine hard!
Do not be afraid, your talents will not let you down.Do not worry about failing for you cannot fail in what you were born for.Johari, you have what it takes and i can tell from the way you respond to situations from this tender age of two and half!
Find your passion in life; polish it daily and use it to make your dreams come true-You Johari can do it-go for it!!
You may see yourself as a star or feel like one; but our feelings have a habit of misleading us sometimes; they often prevent us from seeing ourselves in a true light.My Johari you actually possess more star like qualities than you can imagine; you are capable of achieving much more than you think-so do not listen to your fears and doubts-ignore them my son and they will get out of your way as you reach for your goal!
Johari; focus on what you can accomplish and give it your all; everything you have.Good things will happen and doors will keep opening for you my son!
In the heavens there are billions of stars.Galaxies and galaxies each with its own beauty,light and purpose.So do you!My son Johari, on the stage of life where we live; everyone who lets there light shine is a star and a winner too.Do not diminish your own light by comparing yourself to others.Remember that other stars only help us to shine brighter and be more beautiful!
As it is possible to count the stars; so too its impossible to know the depth of the wonderful things that could happen if you step out in faith and dare to let your light shine and win!
Take that chance my Johari; whenever it presents itself-when ever opportunity knocks-someone is going to see your light and be blessed and so will you.
And that is what you were born for Johari.You were born to shine.Johari you were born to win.Go for it!

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