Sunday, September 19, 2010

A love story for my Johari!

Mummy and Johari-July 2010 New Jersey,USA
Mummy and Johari-a kiss for mummy will do just fine!

Come my darling, come my dear, come hear a story about a very special baby, come hear a song about you Johari.
Before the first stars blazed in your sky, before the sun ever kissed you, before you cried your first cry, we loved you.
When you started kicking i loved the feeling of those kicks~day and night and even while i was at work serving customers.
When you came into my arms; tiny like an atom, slippery as salmon, loud as a lion, fast like lightning we already knew we loved you Johari.
My Johari; you had tiny little hands with perfect nails and fingers like the petals of a flower and yes we loved you.
Johari you came complete with ten little toes as sweet and pink as candies,yes we knew we loved you even more.
Johari you had two little bright eyes and one very small nose and lots of hair for a new born.Johari you had no teeth at all; still we loved  you.
Johari you had round cheeks, tiny little lips,a round little tummy with a freshly cut umbilical cord, a round little bottom and we all loved you.
Johari your smile on day three was the sun and the moon,your crying, your burps were bells since we loved you.
So we cuddled you, we snuggled you and we juggled you Johari; we watched you while you slept, we listened to your heartbeat as you slept because its true that we loved you.
We clapped with you, we danced with you, we dried your tears and soothed your fears just because we loved you.
Johari we tossed you high and we kept you dry, we fed you and soothed you to sleep; do you know why? we loved you.
Johari you burst upon our world like a comet, like a galaxy of stars, like a birdsong in the silver silence of dawn and how could we help but love you Johari?
I had dreamed a baby, I had wanted a baby, I got a baby  and that baby was you Johari and oh how we love you Johari!

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