Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Journal entry 20.9.2010 Johari's milestones!

My Johari, My Prince,my gift, my blessing!!

Brandon,Johari and Jerry July 2010~New Jersey~USA
On Monday the 20th of September my very precious son did two significant things:
One; I had taken him to the park to play in the evening and so we started off with the see-saw before we moved to the hop, step and jump, the slides, the basket ball court and finally to the swings!So when i put him on the swing i gave him a few pushes to get his projectile motion higher; so he gets to some point and he tells me "Mummy that's enough" so i stop pushing him.So as i get into my own swing to start swinging he goes like " Mummy i push you?"Ohhhh that was so sweet of him to actually offer to push me!i thought that was brilliant because children learn from us older ones so so fast.So i told him "no thank you"  that it was okay and i  would push myself.That was special to me!
Two; when we got home from the park, i wanted to give him a shower but instead he wanted a bubble bath.So he goes like "Mummy i want a bacco gum" that sounded so funny because he meant a bubble bath.So sincere and timely.Anyway finally i prepared for him the bubble bath and he had a good time in the water.
When i look back, i thank God every day because my Johari is brilliant and he is growing tremendously well and these days he even tells me "Mummy,give me two minutes" when he wants to go potty or use the bathroom.can u imagine that?With his two fingers out showing me what he means!amazing!
God thank you for my precious jewel Johari!

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