Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Johari's first birthday party!!

Johari's birthday party was held on March the 7th 2009 on a Saturday at Impala Club-Ngong road Nairobi,Kenya.My wish for you was and still is that you will grow up to be a God-fearing gentleman who is fine and wise.The bash was actually at the cricket pavilion next to the swimming pool.In attendance was about 100 guests including family members, my colleagues, my team mates~Sliders Hockey Club,my friends and their friends too.
"Johari before you were formed in mummy's womb,the Lord knew you.He alone knows the plans he has for you and i know beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are good fact perfect plans for you my son"
Journal entry 17.2.2009
"Happy birthday to baby Johari,may he grow and become a n expert letter writer like some one else we remember!" Auntie Rhoda Chep
"Happy birthday 2 uuuuu!Ongweny; Ritengo for your first birthday"Uncle Obwocha

"My son; the Lord is your shepherd;you shall not be in want.He has inscribed you on the palm of his hand.He will never leave you nor forsake you"Mummy -18.02.2009
"You Johari is the best thing that has happened to me in a long fact in a life time.I love you,love you,love you"-18.02.2009
It was a great day and we thank God for being our Ebenezer ,Our Jireh and Our Rohi

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