Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Diapers are becoming history!!

Johari ,Mummy and Baraka in New Jersey USA-Jo at two years three months old!
My dear Johari you have grown so so fast!i remember it was just the other day when i celebrated your one week birthday, now you are two and half years old and you have achieved so so much.
You my Johari no longer eat pureed food, the bananas, the potatoes and the spinach all in one mix together~although that was really nutritious when we gave it to you when i weaned you.And oh i forgot to mention that after my maternity leave of about 3 months i went back to work~my bank job!so you saw me less and less and you decided to stop breast feeding because the formula e milk was more available and whole some to you.It was a little disappointing but i understand what happened~ it was to your satisfaction so am glad you stopped breast feeding at 3 months old.
So you are almost done with diapers now and that will be history.Initially you wore Pampers, soft and clean.i loved them the smelt good.I used to buy you the Jumbo pack but when you started teething and having loose bowel movement every few minutes i had too replenish the stock more oftenly from Nakumatt, Nairobi-Kenya.
My Johari you started with the Pampers Mini for the first 4 months then moved to Midi for a very short while like a month and then moved to Maxi where you have been for some time now, you sometimes use Huggies too.
So as u learn your potty drill which you are doing very well at i know that soon Diapers will be history for you and even pull ups.Yippee Hurray!!

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