Sunday, April 15, 2012

Journal Entry...April 15th 2012

This is the day that the Lord has made...we will rejoice and be glad in it...!!!
My precious son is making steady progress in doing most of his chores and duties independently and that gives me mixed feelings. Mixed feeling because as much as am glad that he is developing well and able to do stuff for himself ; i am also wondering how & when he grew so fast...where time went?...It was just the other day he was one week old and i thanked God that he was one week he doesn't want me to accompany him to the bathroom...wearing his clothes...he says "i can do all this by myself", he feeds himself...OK even showering he says he can take care of i sigh and thank God together
Johari also likes to spend some time at the library playing games and reading.
Another favorite place again is Chuck E Cheeses and Toys R us-
Now he wants to help me with Putting the air in the wheels at the gas station and also cooking-
Well , my precious son...all those are great mile stones of growing up...i just hope that you will retain the same skills even as you grow usual i love you as i always will and i wish all the best for you my dear Johari

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