Monday, April 9, 2012

April the 9th 2012

It is clear that from the last time i updated this has been running...helter skelter trying so hard to balance life and there's been a little gap...but all is well....
So what have we been up baby boy and I...?Johari turned 4 February 17th 2012 and boldly let me know the following morning that he was now a big boy..."Mummy i can brush my teeth..all by myself...i am now a big boy.." i said OK...sweetie ..go ahead and gave him a chance to exercise his you can imagine i have been hearing lots of that ever since he turned four.
So the one million dollar question...what am i getting for my birthday? So he went from the Wii, to the X-box, to The PSP, etc name them...Finally we had to settle for just one...because we don't need to move Toys R us into our house by buying all the toys.. besides i don't have share i spend there sparingly...So my little man got the X-Box and he has never been so excited...he couldn't wait to "Just Dance",a little bit of  "Zumba" and "Kinect adventures"-He is having lots of fun with the gaming system and of course hes keeping fit and teaching mummy a few dance moves...
As he gears up for school..which begins next year September 2013...he will have had enough time with his playmate and hopefully he will have learnt to keep fit and schedule time for everything ...prioritizing as need be. Am truly so very proud of my little young man..his language is coming up good and guess what he knows what Squirrels eat...(Acorns)...i don't know where he learnt that but hey am an impressed proud of you my Lil prince are awesome and God bless you as always-
Mama will always love you!!XOXOXO

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