Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Journal entry August 27th 2013-5years 6months old

Wow.... It's been quite a while since I checked into our little journal...
Yes sometimes life gets a little faster & you drop a few things just to remain sane! Not that it's not important but because other pressing priorities take all the time!
So much has happened since... All good though & above all you have grown sweetie! You are now 5+ years old and in September 2013 you join kindergarten ... Wow!
You did start your daycare at Different & Wonderful learning center and you did so well... You graduated... You got a certificate & an award for working well with both Miss Janiece & Miss Chante'.... That in itself my son is a big achievement! congratulations!!!
As you start school at B.Bernice Young... I know you will have fun because I know you -you are my son. Your new teacher -Miss Cornett will be all ready for the wonderful experience of you being one of her students! Yes your transformers ...go go mega force -bag is all ready with your school supplies... Yes Kindergarten here we come!!

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