Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thus far the Lord has brought us!

Its the 13th day of March 2011; and i can not take the love of God for us for granted.Considering the tsunami,earthquake and nuclear meltdown in Japan,i can say that we are very blessed.
His grace has been sufficient for us; My Johari is now officially three years and has started mastering the alphabet letters...he knows double u "W" and "Q".those are letters he learn't first. Am so so impressed because he is getting ready for school now.He knows he is three and shows it with his fingers-3 fingers...Thank you God for your sufficient grace!!
He is particularly into race cars now and sometimes he wants"the bad guy games" which is an influence from his older cousin Brandon,but am trying my best to give him the age appropriate games...and so far he is co-operating...
He has learn't a lot of stuff and in his prayer list he always prays for the police; maybe its because i told him that the police look and take the children who don't listen to their mummies and the children who are bad.So he is always praying for them which is a good thing considering how challenging their job is.
He loves to play motorbike games and basket ball!!
He has mastered quite a number of letters-thanks to grandma who home-schools him...from A,W,Q,Z,X,V,M he is getting better everyday!!
Thank you God for my precious gift Johari Tata Ongweny!!

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