Thursday, October 28, 2010

I would do anything for you my Johari!

If i could bring you a  world full of happiness,i would.If i could take your sadness and pain away and feel them for you i would.If i could give you the strength to handle the problems that this world may have for you, i would do that too.
There's nothing i wouldn't do for  you my Johari to bring laughter instead of tears in your life my son.
I cant give you happiness but i can feel it with you my son.I cannot take away all your hurts in this world, but i can share them with you.I cant give you strength when you need it the most, but i can try to be very strong for you my son.
I can be there to tell you how much i love you; and in times when you feel you need to reach out to someone, i will be there for you; not to change how you feel  but to go through these times with you my dear son.
When you were little i could hold you in my arms to comfort you when you cried.You will never be too grown up for me to put my arms around you.You Johari are so very special to me, and the most precious gift i could have ever received was you on the day you were born.Just like your name you're my precious gem,my precious jewel Johari; I love you!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

When problems overwhelm you my Johari!

Carry on as i would my son Johari
Lay your problems down to rest
Put all bad times behind you and strive to be your best.
Carry on with confidence; your hands now hold the reins.
Don't think your talents wont compare
for my own blood runs through your veins and i know you can do it.
Carry on with honesty; you know whats right and fair.
Just call on me when problems strike; you know that i will be there for you my son Johari.
Carry on the dream my son; let your conscience be your guide
Remember when you feel alone,I am standing by your side!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Joharis favourite places!!

My Johari and his friends with Chuck

"Hi Chuck, my name is Johari"
So my Johari has grown  not only in size but also in preference.He is two years old and seven months old and he has developed new habits too with this new age.
One he likes to wake up early before i leave to work and carry his shoes and tell me "Mummy am ready" lets go.So am like Johari dear, children do not go to work; they stay home and grow!At the end of it all i have to leave anyway which leaves disappointment to him but well i have to go to work.And his latest understanding of work is the place where Mummy goes to get chips because when i get back later in the day occasionally i bring him a packet of chips.
The other place my Johari wakes up to is "Mummy i want to go to Chuck E Cheese"So once again i try to explain that Chuck has not even woken up so we may have to wait until Chuck and the sun wake up then we can consider going to Chuck E Cheese.So I take him there when i can.
My Johari has also known the logos of Burger King, Dunkin Doughnuts, Macdonalds etc and so as we drive by these joints he goes like"Mummy i want to buy that".Of course i once more do the explaining why we cannot buy all that we see every time.
Well i thank God for all these developments because that is a great confirmation of his normal development.
He has also started knowing his colors and his most favorite one is blue!!  For now most colors are blue but he is getting there slowly.
My Johari i love you and i thank God for giving me you.
It gives me the pleasure and privilege of being your Mummy!!!