Wednesday, September 1, 2010

God we thank you for Johari!

Mummy with colleagues(L to R:Mzee Mwangi, Charles,Mummy,Catherine, Teddie,Teresa and Florence) at Barclays~Moi Avenue Prestige Nairobi~Kenya.Johari mummy's tummy
Mummy with my Johari in my tummy and Auntie Norah at Parkie Church Nairobi~Kenya
Mummy with Johari in the tummy in South B Nairobi~Kenya~about 4 months of Johari
Mummy fully loaded with Johari in South B Estate-January 2008
Mummy at Barclays~Moi Avenue Prestige Nairobi~Kenya!December 2007

Mummy the banker at Barclays Bank~Nairobi Kenya and my Johari in the tummy~October 2007
My Johari: that's Babu/Tata (my dad) who you were born to replace and you are named after him
My one day old Johari~Nairobi Hospital-Kenya 17th February 2008

Aunties Jael, Rhoda and Dorsi visiting Johari- 2 months:Franca:Nairobi~Kenya

Auntie Mercy carrying Johari~April 2008
God we thank you for you chose in your own appointed time to bring us together~to start a life-long journey together;for better or worse,in sickness and in health till death do us part~we thank you!
On February 17th 2008 Johari Ongweny Ongweny was born at Nairobi Hospital, Nairobi Kenya at exactly 12.35pm~on a Sunday just after the Sunday morning sermon.My precious jewel,my son.
Johari was born exactly one year later after my dad's demise :- February 17th 2007; actually on my dad's first memorial~that to me was a miracle in its own right because as i was pondering about my dad's first memorial i was also pondering about Johari's Expected Date of Delivery~do you picture that?
Johari was 3.09 kg when born~a healthy young boy~my boy~my son~my child!
Most of the time he stayed in the nursery with his colleagues and on day 3 he was already smiling especially when he knew his "son" Mokua was around visiting him.
That was awesome~simply breath~taking just to imagine that God would deem it fit to replace a life lost with another one by blessing us with a child~ a boy child.I thank you every single day for my miracle baby Johari!

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