Monday, October 28, 2013

Oh a lot has changed-October 28th 2013 Journal Entry

My oh my!
A lot has changed since I last visited here and journaled.
It's been about 3 years -got too busy being mummy, building a career, building relationships & going back to school for my Masters Program in Business Administration - Finance major
So I guess I will just try to bridge the gap by going into the major milestones for my precious jewel/ son
So he has lost 4 front teeth comfortably and is now in Kindergarten at Barbara Bernice Young School
His teacher is Mrs.Cornett and they are twenty in their class- Room C4. His best friend is Tyler Barclay who we happen to go to the same church with. That makes it easier for the two of them- I only hope and pray they listen in class otherwise they will not be "Top dogs"-that might send them to the kennel. Their hallway color is Purple.
Tata is also now a part of the Ranger Kids in church and has since gone camping for two nights & three days- with his cousin Jerry!
Tata has a rich vocabulary including telling me that cockroaches have poisonous antlers wow!! And that rattle snakes have something at the back that says back up and it rattles... That's why they are called rattlesnakes! He knows Otters too! A word I had never heard of! Indeed am learning so much for him it's simply amazing!! I just love it-and we thank God for each single day!