Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Feliz Navidad & Happy New 2012!!

Oh well, we thank God for the Christmas day  that just ended in the last couple of days-What my wonderful son knows for sure is that Jesus died for the sins of himself and Dyllan his cousin-at least that's what he says when i ask him who Jesus died on the cross for-so i keep telling him its for all of us but for some reason he is stuck with the two of them only...so cute:)
So thank God he has not really got acquainted with Santa Claus and his chimney stories and delivering of gifts-so this year i had it easy-thank God because all he wanted was candy canes...am i not lucky and he found lots of that under the Christmas tree on 25th morning~
I also took him to church for the Christmas play and he hang out with Batman himself, Sponge bob-whom he said was too big, Frosty the snow man who was too quiet!!
So now we thank God for the past year 2011 that was full of blessings and great milestones for our family-full of sufficient grace, unconditional love and renewed mercies-we look forward to a completely new year- still on the roller skates-2012-when he turns 4 years old-and enjoy our adventures together and also with our larger family members-
Baby boy...we are still on....don't forget to enjoy every moment in 2012 just like you did in 2011!
I love you as always~ Happy New Year 2012!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Journal Entry Dec 8th 2011

OK, we haven't had time lately to update our electronic journal- that tells you how busy we have been-
My little man at 3 years 10 months and starting to know how his name looks like and to write it is great adventure for us!
And of course its around Christmas time-his 4th Christmas and he ha lots of questions about Santa and his list is endless of course all filled with different toys-from transformers to Spider man to Iron man to Batman and all the -mans you can think about!He has also just discovered candy canes and he already left the Christmas tree bare of candy canes because he made sure he ate them all in day one.
So he tells me that this time he will not be scared of Santa!!:) we will see especially when we do the photo with Santa.
Apart from that, my little Prince is doing great and getting a lot of help from his cousins Dyllan & Sydney who are his 2 main teachers!
He is learning the alphabet good and his numbers too-well done little man-you're a wonder on transit-a miracle in progress-come September 2013 you will be so ready for school/kindergarten your teachers will be impressed-so lets keep working at it-we are in this thing together-we are a team and am there for you-to support you in  all steps of this way/journey!
Go go baby boy-you are so smart and i can already tell by the intelligent questions you ask, the conversations we have and the actions there of.God bless you as always-every step of the way-meanwhile we have to get more candy canes for the Christmas tree!! :))