Thursday, September 29, 2011

Up to speed 3 years , 7months old...we are going places!!!

So here we are once again....going places...growing well and giving life its best short!!!living our best life now...we couldn't have had it any better....we are here for such a time as this...things are great and God is good all the time.
My precious little gem is mile-stoning excellently...all pieces are falling in place....he has started writing his alphabet and drawing smiley faces and angry faces. H e loves to go to the library to play his club penguin, sonic, motor bike games and lately he is surprising me with cooking games...ooh...i cant wait to get that help in cooking :-) and dish washing and general cleaning up!!!
This is also the month, September, whereby he has joined a new  club in church called "Rainbows" .He is having lots of fun especially with the theme statement "Rainbows are helpers".So every time he would like to do something like play with the water, he will tell me that rainbows are helpers and he would like to help me with the little man is smart!!
So the Rainbows meet once a week on Wednesday at church.He loves his new club.We thank God for that too as this is introducing him to Bible verses!!So i go "the memory verse is....The Lord has chosen....?"then he says "you".its great!
Lately he has also been doing lots of gymnastics....yes on my day he went upside down,i said.." are up side down and 2 seconds later he went..."mummy is this up -side up?i just smiled!!so thoughtful and smart!!his though process amazes me already!!he also knows how to identify similar things especially cars...he says ..."this car looks like your car mummy" and more often than not its usually true!:-) fill my days especially the dull ones because you create so much fun,laughter and humor!!i love you and thank God for you!!