Thursday, August 4, 2011

Nintendo dsi

So now my bay boy has grown so Johari is 3 years 6 months old and i finally got him a Nintendo DS considering "he has no one to play with"except mummy of course! So he is finally enjoying his Mario and Luigi, Diego, Poke Mon, and now he really wants the Club Penguin chip/game.
So i told him that if he is gonna be a nice boy...listen to grandma and Aunty Penny during the day and also especially listen to Mummy...then i may consider getting him the club penguin.
The only other interesting bit is that he wants to play the game till he drops "dead" asleep so sometimes i have to literally snatch it from hi hands in order for him to get to eat,brush his teeth,use the bathroom , pray and finally sleep.But pretty much he is getting used to it.
Oh and i forgot the other part where when the D S gets out of charge ...sometimes he gets upset and throws it on the like you cannot do that because if it "dies"am not going to spend more money buying him another one...then he goes:Sorry mummy" at least he has learnt to apologize and also to share having the Nintendo DS...let's see how long it lasts...but so far so good!!so probably tomorrow i may have to get him the club penguin chip because he has been nice!