Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why mummy why?

Oh well...its been quite a while since i touched base with my baby's electronic journal...that tell you how busy i have been.So today i get a minute and i have to do an update on his developmental highlights....Apart from of course growing taller and more handsome, he is now at a stage where he wants to know the reason for everything!!Mummy why...why....why....??
So i have been patiently explaining all the whys...although not satisfactorily...i have been trying hard!!
The other interesting thing he is doing is like i ask him what he would like to eat...i give him two choices...say spaghetti and rice...then he says pop corn or something else like candy!!very interesting indeed.
when i tell him to pray...he stops in the middle and asks me a couple of questions...so the prayer ends up being a prayer cum conversation.very sweet!!
Those are the major highlights of his development and so far so good...apart from wanting to be all independent at 3!!!!everything is working out great.am like...let me help you "tata".he is like ..."mummy...i can do it".wow!!!talk of time flying!!now i know what that means when i watch and listen to my baby boy Johari....my son...i love you so so much...God bless you as always!!