Monday, April 25, 2011

Up to speed 3years-2 months old!!

December 2010-Mummy.Johari, Santa & Grandma-New Jersey USA
My baby boy is growing well in stature and knowledge.
Yesterday as we were going to church,i decided to put on my shades to shield me from the bright sunshine as i drove to church. When my son Johari noticed what i was doing, he said"Mummy, please give me my glasses, the sun is looking at me" I thought that was think that the glasses will block him from the sun's made me smile at God's precious creation. Its in the same thought that he tells me that when the sun wakes up to mean when it shine-he would like to have some ice cream!!Wow...don't you love how they reason...simply and wonder we are commanded to have child-like sincere,so clean hear ted ,so innocent.
Well a part from that, he has been saying there's a monster in his tummy just because his Aunt y is expecting a when my sister tells him that there's a baby in her stomach and asks him what is in his stomach,he goes "a monster" so so funny!!
Apart form very hilarious statements, he is doing great,he wants to shower himself, dress himself,oil himself and generally be independent.Well that's a great virtue my precious little one but not at 3 years old, maybe at 15 or 16.Am just hoping and praying that you my precious boy will exhibit the same virtue 13 or 15 years from now.
He still feels half of our lives should be spent at Chuck e Cheese's but am trying hard to explain why that cannot happen:-)
He knows much about church,i go like,"where are we going tom morrow?" he says "church"
i ask him "to do what?" he says..." to sing,clap,listen to the pastor and play drums & guitar"
i go "good job Tata, am so so proud of you,are you gonna make me a proud mummy?"
he hoes "yes, mummy are you happy now?"
i say "yes of course-i love you"
OK that's my journal entry on this 25th day of April 2011 6.09pm