Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Johari turns 3 years in 2 days time!!!

Its the 15th of February 2011 and my precious little jewel turns 3 in two days time as we also get to remember and celebrate my late dad's 4th memorial since his demise -the same date and month-Interesting uh?
So lately my baby boy has been asking a myriad of questions, especially directed to Auntie Penny and Uncle Abu; Mummy questions are obvious, constant and un-ending-" Mummy who bought this?""Auntie Penny whats this?" "Uncle Abu where are you going?"He asks the questions boldly and expects quick answers!!Signs of leadership or management?Only God knows-
Lately my Johari is well acquainted with Chuck E Cheese and he well knows that his birthday party is gonna be at the same venue.Some days he wakes up and even before he brushes his teeth or does anything ; he just wants to go to Chuck E Cheese.Now, anybody who "wrongs" him or any object that makes him fall or hurts him is not coming to his birthday party at Chuck e Cheese; so we really have to be nice before we are shortlisted from the guests attending his 3rd birthday party!Wish us luck!
He has also discovered the ipod touch, kine-ct games etc and his list of cartoons has expanded from Barney to Elmo, Sponge bob, Caillou, Bob the builder, Sesame street etc.
That is the update on my baby boy who turns 3 in just 2 days!!!Happy birthday sweet jewel!!!God bless you as always; am so proud to be your mommy, thanks for giving me that rare privilege!!I love you now and always!!!!!!!!!