Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My oh my Happy New Year!!

Happy new year my Johari,
Its been a while since i blogged, all owed to the festivities and the change of season where am tempted to keep warm in my blankets than out of them unless its very necessary to step out of them.
So this year my Johari turns 3 years old and he is showing all the signs of growth because he now knows how a birthday party is celebrated-the venue, the cake story and the candle blowing!! So occasionally when we cook ugali-he will pretend to be blowing his birthday candles as i cook and then get a knife and cut the ugali,then he goes "Mummy, sing happy birthday to me" so then am ambushed to sing for him if i would like to enjoy some peace.So it looks like he is all set for his birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's on the 19th of Feb 2011 and all his friends and age mates are invited!
Another statement my Johari has acquired is "Mummy, say sorry to me!"any thing slight going out of the way he expected, he will demand a sorry from me and i have to do all the explaining why he does not deserve a sorry and when he deserves it i tell it to him very very fast so that he can learn to do the same to other people!
Generally since it is winter time,outdoor moves are limited and i always promise that immediately the sun "wakes" up we will be out briefly!
Otherwise so far so good and he already knows his numbers from 1 to 12 and letters W and Q.Wow!!
He has to start orienting for school so i have bought him a little school bag and thrown in there some few stickers, books, paint work and reading books.My Johari you are doing so so fine and we are so very proud of you!!Keep it up, we look forward to your upcoming birthday party!!Cant wait!!